Stewarding traditional Hawaiian aquaculture technologies
Welcome to the Kapapapuhi Restoration Project! Kapapapuhi is an `ili `āina, land area, in the makai section of Honouliuli, `Ewa moku. Located on the shoreline of Kaihuopala`ai, West Loch, our team works to restore the health of the largest collection of fresh water and estuary on O`ahu.
At one point in time, Pu`uloa was rich with over 30 loko i`a, traditional Hawaiian fishpond, and lo`i kalo, taro patches. Today, we are one of many hui who are stewarding what is left of these ancient technologies to combat food insecurity and sustain the health and hunger of our people. Within Kapapapuhi Point Park, we are grateful to steward three (inoperable) loko i`a and are working to restore them back to health.
At one point in time, Pu`uloa was rich with over 30 loko i`a, traditional Hawaiian fishpond, and lo`i kalo, taro patches. Today, we are one of many hui who are stewarding what is left of these ancient technologies to combat food insecurity and sustain the health and hunger of our people. Within Kapapapuhi Point Park, we are grateful to steward three (inoperable) loko i`a and are working to restore them back to health.
The Power of Hui
Since 2016, through the City and County of Honoluluʻs Adopt a Park Program, Hui o Ho`ohonua has grounded our work in the heart of Kaihuopala`ai at Kapapapuhi Point Park.
A`ohe hana nui ke alu ia - No task is too big when done by all `ōlelo No`eau .142
Volunteers are a vital part of what we do! We consider all who join us to participate in the hard work and heart work of mālama `āina as part of our hui. Today, we have been graced with the opportunity of hosting and facilitating over twenty-thousand volunteers from our local schools, businesses, community organizations, transplants and visitors, and military personnel. We believe that it is our collective kuleana, responsibility, to always make sure that there is enough for our future and the generations to follow.
Volunteers are a vital part of what we do! We consider all who join us to participate in the hard work and heart work of mālama `āina as part of our hui. Today, we have been graced with the opportunity of hosting and facilitating over twenty-thousand volunteers from our local schools, businesses, community organizations, transplants and visitors, and military personnel. We believe that it is our collective kuleana, responsibility, to always make sure that there is enough for our future and the generations to follow.
Community Work Days
Join us! Every Second Saturday at Kapapapuhi Point Park from 8am-12noon
Kapapapuhi Point Park, Ewa Beach, HI 96706
Community Workday Schedule
Scan QR Code for Volunteer Registration
Weed Warrior Wednesday
Join us every Wednesday from 8:00am-11:30am for Weed Warrior Wednesday at Kapapapuhi Point Park!
Check out our calendar below and complete the volunteer registration prior to day of service opportunity.
Check out our calendar below and complete the volunteer registration prior to day of service opportunity.
Field Trips
We are happy to host and facilitate `āina based education programs designed specifically to meet the needs of your curriculum! Join us on `āina to learn about the history of Pu`uloa, participate in service learning opportunities, and reflect on the abundance our impact can create to make Hawai`i a more sustainable and food independent community.
It is $0.00 to schedule a huaka`i with HOH. We pride ourselves on the ability to host and facilitate service opportunities around the fishponds, Honouliuli Stream and the Kaihuopalaai Shoreline that coincide with curriculum and projects your students may be learning and building. At this time, we unfortunately do not have the capacity to assist with buses and transportation to the site.
We operate within a City and County Public Park, there are
-Restroom facilities and parking available on site.
-We do not recommend bringing valuables and HOH is not liable for theft or damage to personal properties.
We Provide: Tools and Equipment, Gloves, Water Refill Stations and First Aide Supplies.
Schedule your Visit: Email [email protected] to plan and organize your visit
-Teachers on behalf of your students please complete this form.
-Students please complete and submit the forms below: Liability waiver + Media release
It is $0.00 to schedule a huaka`i with HOH. We pride ourselves on the ability to host and facilitate service opportunities around the fishponds, Honouliuli Stream and the Kaihuopalaai Shoreline that coincide with curriculum and projects your students may be learning and building. At this time, we unfortunately do not have the capacity to assist with buses and transportation to the site.
We operate within a City and County Public Park, there are
-Restroom facilities and parking available on site.
-We do not recommend bringing valuables and HOH is not liable for theft or damage to personal properties.
We Provide: Tools and Equipment, Gloves, Water Refill Stations and First Aide Supplies.
Schedule your Visit: Email [email protected] to plan and organize your visit
-Teachers on behalf of your students please complete this form.
-Students please complete and submit the forms below: Liability waiver + Media release
Liability WaiverIf you are a first time volunteer with Hui o Ho`ohonua, please sign and submit our waiver form. You are welcome to download, sign and email your form to our coordinator @[email protected] or complete a hard copy upon arrival to the workday. If you have submitted a waiver before, you do not need to submit again.
*Individuals under the age of 18 must have a signature from their respective parent/guardian |
Media Release FormIf you are a first time volunteer with Hui o Ho`ohonua, please sign and submit our Media Release waiver. This form is not mandatory but it is highly encouraged.Photos taken by our team is used for grant reporting, community engagement and presentation tools, and educational tool development.
Email completed forms to @[email protected] or complete a hard copy upon arrival to the work day. *It is absolutely okay to not want to participate in photos! Please notify our team members prior to starting the work that you are not comfortable with being photographed. |