Hui o Ho`ohonua is a community based 501(c)3 Nonprofit operating on the island of O`ahu in the `Ewa moku working to address climate change and environmental injustice to restore the health of our lands, waters and people.
By weaving a lei of pilina across the ʻEwa district, we hope to do our part to inspire community members to get engaged, educated, and effective, in the positive changes to restore the native habitats and ecosystems once found in ʻEwa moku. Over 20,000 individuals have chosen to give back to their community through service opportunities hosted by our team. We encourage and welcome all ages and experience levels to join our hui in restoring `āina momona to this once vibrant and flourishing wahi pana.
We offer facilitated community workdays, place-based educational opportunities for K-College level students, and conduct walk-talk stories around the project sites upon request. We hope to continue inspiring the next generation of kiaʻi ʻāina, connecting traditional practices to modern innovation, and rehabilitating our natural resources in Honouliuli, Waipahū, and Mānana.
Word Bank | ʻĀina momona, Fertile Lands | Wahi Pana, Storied Place | Kiaʻi, Protector | Moku, District